What does Sisterhood look like for you?


Sisterhood has so many meanings depending on who you ask? What do you think of when you hear the word Sisterhood? Friendships? Sticking together? Loyalty? A friend? A Sister? My girl? A shoulder to lean on? My Sister for Life? My BFF?

Sisterhood can have anyone of those meanings but what truly matters is what does it mean to you? What does it look like in your life? Do you have a circle of Sisters you can depend on? Are you part of an organization or sorority that you consider your sisterhood family?

I truly believe everyone one should experience some type of sisterhood in their life. Being a woman can be hard enough, and sometimes you just another woman that you can talk to about a particular situation you are experiencing. Sisterhood is a two way street, and you can never form a friendship expecting 100 percent out of someone. Through life I grown to know no one person can give you everything that you need. When finding sisterhood you just need one commonality. Are your kids the same age? Do you attend the same school? Do you ladies enjoy the same activities? Do you enjoy the same type of events?

As women we sometimes get caught up in social media seeing tons of photos of friendships, sorority gatherings, and sisterhood events and think how can I find all of that in my life or maybe how can I create that in my life. Truth is you may never find all of that from one person.

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Its important to not get caught up in what everyone else defines or thinks what sisterhood should look like or be. You have the choice to decide it on your own. Sisterhood for All Women Rock means adding value to your life. How can we help you elevate in life? We form and create events with the expectation value has been added to your life in some sort of way.

This is how All Women Rock Global defines SISTERHOOD by adding value to your life.

S-Sociable, Significant, Savory

I-Inspiration, Idealistic, Informative

S-Special, Sweet, Seasoned

T-Trust, Timely, Tenacious

E-events, Entertainment, Entrepreneurship

R-Real Reliable, Respect

H-Help, Hope, Healing

O-Open Hearted, One of a Kind

O- Open Minded, Opportunities, Organized

D- Determined, Devotional, Demonstrative


When you have the opportunity to attend any All Women Rock event in any city one of this forms of SISTERHOOD will be added to your life.
